"TRANSVESTIA" . . . A magazine written by, for and about men with a "Feeling for the Feminine.” Published six times a year.

Per Copy, Issues 61 and after .

Per Copy, Issues 60 and before .

Annual Subscription..




"CLIPSHEET" ... News of transvestism and impersonation around the world. Clippings sent in by readers reproduced for scrap books.

Single copies..

Four copies for





"TV-TALES" Short stories Nos. 2 & 3 available . . . Each .


A discussion from

"THE TRANSVESTITE AND HIS WIFE" both points of view. Includes many letters from understanding wives. Written simply, fairly and directly to help wives, parents, others to understand.


"HOW TO BE A WOMAN THOUGH MALE” . . . A complete guide for the cross dresser. Everything you need to know about body altera- tion, clothing, jewelry, wigs, feminine attitudes, behaviour patterns, public conduct, legal aspects and change of status. $6.50

"FATED FOR FEMININITY" Fascinating story of a high school boy who wanted to be a cheer leader but ended up as school Beauty Queen, most popular girl and eventually bride of another pretty girl.


Illus. $5 Reporter impersonates a star, makes a hit, gets contract, becomes actress, marries female star, they live as sisters.

Illus. $5

This book was not

"TALES FROM PINK MIRROR" published by Chevalier but is available to readers. It is a long story, profusely illustrated about a boy's conversion to a girl in a special school. Illus. $4

"CARNIVAL" ... A long novel about a boy brought up as a girl and her life in a carnival.


Illus. $3

The head mathematician was a man but

not a male. The girl who programmed computors was not. Neither knew the other's story but they found out and found happiness.

Illus. $3